Social Media Policy
Ground Masters understands that social networking and internet services have become a common form of communication in modern society and the workplace and among workers.
This policy is intended to provide workers of Ground Masters with clarity on the use of social media platforms. Social media is online media that allows for interaction and/or participation between people (for example: social networking and micro-blogging sites like Facebook, X (twitter), Myspace, Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest, video and photo sharing sites like Flickr, TikTok and YouTube, online forums and discussion blogs, including comments on online news articles).
This policy encourages workers to take responsibility for their actions when posting or uploading information pertaining to Ground Masters workers and clients; therefore, personal, and professional use of social media by workers, must not bring Ground Masters into disrepute, compromise effectiveness at work, or imply endorsement of personal views.
Ground Masters workers that choose to participate in social media sites shall adhere to the following guidelines:
Ground Masters workers shall not create a social networking site or service to conduct Ground Masters business;
Protect personal privacy and the privacy of our clients, by following all privacy protection laws (i.e. Privacy Act 1988) and protect sensitive and confidential information;
Follow all copyright laws, public records laws, retention laws, fair use and financial disclosure laws and any other laws that might apply to Ground Masters;
Do not cite vendors, suppliers, clients, co-workers, or other stakeholders without their documented approval;
At no time must a Ground Masters worker publish Ground Masters content or photos, on any website or social media site without the express permission from the Managing Director or General Manager;
Make it clear that they are speaking for themselves at all times and not on behalf of Ground Masters;
Not use discriminatory, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise objectionable language;
Not use ethnic slurs, profanity, personal insults, or engage in cyber conduct, that would be found unacceptable in Ground Masters workspace and environs;
Not engage in any conduct, interactions, behaviours or transmissions that could be interpreted as bullying or harassment, directed towards any individual or group;
Avoid comments or topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory.
If identifying themself as a Ground Masters worker, ensure that their profile and related content is consistent with how Ground Masters would wish them to present themself to colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders; and
The use of social media is strongly prohibited during working hours. If a worker is found using social media during working hours, Ground Masters Management will take necessary disciplinary action.
Workers should have no expectation of privacy whilst using company-owned or company leased equipment. Information passing through or stored on company equipment can and will be monitored. Monitoring of another worker’s email and internet use, should only be conducted upon the authorisation of the Managing Director and is primarily the responsibility of the direct Manager/Leading Hand, of the worker being monitored.
Infringement of this policy will be investigated on a case-by-case basis and appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken where necessary.
This policy shall be reviewed at regular and planned intervals including a review of its effectiveness.
Robert Wakefield, Managing Director Evan Wakefield, General Manager